An Ode To Your Smartphone

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An Ode To Your Smartphone

Dear Smartphone,

An Ode To Your Smartphone

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you — and recognize the ways you make my life better every single day.

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you -- and recognize the ways you make my life better every single day.

Yagi Studio / Getty Images

So, to start, thank you for always being right there when I reach for you half-asleep.

So, to start, thank you for always being right there when I reach for you half-asleep.

Frederic Cirou / PhotoAlto PhotoAlto / Getty Images

For allowing me to ignore people during my morning commute.

For allowing me to ignore people during my morning commute.

Sarah M. Golonka / Tetra images RF / Getty Images

And in line at the store during lunch.

And in line at the store during lunch.

Jamie Grill / Blend Images JGI / Getty Images

Thank you for letting me instantly capture any moment I want.

An Ode To Your Smartphone

And to scroll through all of them until I find the absolute perfect one to share.

An Ode To Your Smartphone

Thank you for helping me be prepared for the weather.

An Ode To Your Smartphone

And for saving me when I get hopelessly lost.

An Ode To Your Smartphone

Thank you for permitting me to avoid awkward elevator conversation.

An Ode To Your Smartphone

Or letting me take an awesome elevator selfie.

Or letting me take an awesome elevator selfie.

Particlem (CC BY 2.0) / Via Flickr: particlem

Thank you for occupying me during my frequent breaks at the gym.

An Ode To Your Smartphone

And while I wait for my gourmet dinner to cook.

And while I wait for my gourmet dinner to cook.

Andy Melton (CC BY-SA 2.0) / Via Flickr: trekkyandy

Thank you for helping me get ahead of tomorrow’s responsibilities.

Thank you for helping me get ahead of tomorrow's responsibilities.


And, finally, after a long day, letting me drift off to sleep knowing you’ll be charging beside me all night long.

And, finally, after a long day, letting me drift off to sleep knowing you'll be charging beside me all night long.



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